Maximizing Our Farmland Ecosystem
Design an farming system that focuses on natural methods to restore the soil, maximize water wells, and leverages insects and animals in the pollination and output processes.
Youtube: Careers in Agriculture: Farm Manager – Ellie Norris
Resource Links: Natural Methods and Agriculture
How Much School and How Much Can I Make? After just two years for an associates degree you could be making close to $200,000 per year with a career in agriculture.
Context: Agriculture is an essential industry where sustainability is key, yet there are still many flaws. An example of this is the use of Honey bees and their position as pollinators in agriculture. While they are extremely important for farms now, they are actually hurting the sustainability of farms and the natural ecosystem.
Company Spotlight: TruTerra is a company that works all aspects of the food chain, especially new farmers to help start and set up sustainable practices. John Deere is a large agricultural machine and tech company looking for interns right out of high school to work with their machines.
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Career Category
Ag & Natural Resources
Managing Earth's resources sustainably, Ag & Natural Resources professionals nurture agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and ecology, ensuring a balanced ecosystem and food security.